This was one place that, for me, has been so close yet so far. A place I always wanted to visit, but never got around to doing it. Finally, I made time to do so, and it was a couple of hours well spent. Museum of Kerala history – located in Edappally (around 8 kms from Ernakulam city) takes one through the history of Kerala using lights, life size figures and voice overs.
Unlike a typical museum, this one doesn’t showcase old artefacts; so the name is a misnomer, but it definitely is a place you must take your child to if you are a Keralite since it gives a sneak peek into the history of Kerala in a quick, easily digestible form. It also houses an art gallery and a doll house. The entry fee is Rs 150 per adult and Rs 30 per child.

Sad news for me: My dear 7 year old Nikon D80 stopped responding to my commands one fine day – All it was showing on its dial was a blinking ‘Err’ message. I have turned it in for repairs, and they tell me that it could be a month before I can caress its buttons again. Meanwhile, I am making do with my phone cams (Blackberry Q5, with which the above images were shot, and Samsung S4).